Ignatius Pew Missal: Congregational Edition
The Ignatius Pew Missal is an annual subscription-based worship aid intended for Roman Catholic parishes. Its purpose is simple: to provide worshipers with a liturgical resource that is consistent with the directives of the Church and accessible to the average parishioner, especially in regards to music. This is done in two ways: by using simple plainsong melodies for the Entrance and Communion antiphons, so that a cantor, choir, and even a congregation can easily sing them, and by selecting hymns and songs which, combined, provide a repertoire of sacred songs that is fitting for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, yet accessible for the average parish. Click here for more information.
¡Canta la Misa!
Responding to the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, the purpose of Canta la Misa is to promote full, active and conscious participation in the Holy Mass through Sacred music. This is done in several ways. First, by setting the Entrance and Communion antiphons and Responsorial Psalms to beautiful and simple chant tunes so that a choir, cantor, or congregation may be able to sing them. Second, by including hymns and songs that are fitting for the Holy Mass yet accessible to the average parish. Third, by including the Sunday readings so that the faithful may follow along with the spoken Word. The beautiful typesetting and cover design completes this book as a perfect addition for a parish striving to promote reverence in the Sacred Liturgy and active participation in its Sacred Mysteries. Click here for more information.
Ignatius Pew Missal: Ordinaries & Hymns Edition
The Ignatius Pew Missal: Ordinaries & Hymns is meant to accompany the Ignatius Pew Missal: Congregational Edition. Intended for those accompanying on the organ, the Ordinaries & Hymns contains all of the Mass settings and hymns in four-part accompaniment. Chords are available on most hymns. Click here for more information.
Ignatius Pew Missal: Propers Edition
The Pew Missal: Propers Edition includes all of the various antiphons, Responsorial psalms, and alleluias found in theIgnatius Pew Missal in modern notation with keyboard accompaniment. It includes all of the propers for for Lectionary Cycles A, B, and C. The book can be ordered in spiral-bound or perfect-bound. Click here for more information.
The Proper of the Mass for Sundays & Solemnities
The Proper of the Mass book contains English chant settings for the Entrance and Communion Antiphons given in The Roman Missal, 2010, as well as suggestions for the Offertory Antiphons, following the pattern of the Graduale Romanum, 1974. Click here for more information.