Who publishes the Ignatius Pew Missal?
The Ignatius Pew Missal and Canta la Misa are published by Ignatius Press.
Why do we need another missalette?
Lighthouse Catholic Media (now the Augustine Institute) and Ignatius Press identified a need for a missalette that focuses on the texts that the Church has chosen to be sung for the Mass, namely, the Propers of the Mass (in particular, the Entrance and Communion antiphons). At the same time, such a resource needs to be practical for the average Catholic parish. Ignatius Press continues the publication of this missal to meet the needs of the Church.
What makes the Ignatius Pew Missal different from other missalettes?
The Ignatius Pew Missal is different from other missalettes in many ways, but especially in one: it contains the Entrance and Communion antiphons for Sundays and major feasts of the liturgical year set to simple chant melodies. The intention is that a choir, cantor, or even the congregation will be able to sing these chants at Mass.
In addition, the Ignatius Pew Missal contains a beautiful collection of hymns and Mass settings that is consistent with the liturgical directives of the Second Vatican Council. This selection is both practical for the average parishioner as well as fitting for the Holy Mass.
Why do you have some chants in Latin in the Ignatius Pew Missal?
The Second Vatican Council directed that all Catholics should be able to sing the parts of the Mass in Latin. In the 1974, Pope Paul VI wrote his letter Jubilate Deo, and attached a list of Gregorian chants that all Catholics should know. The Ignatius Pew Missal contains most of the chants contained in this list.
Why does the Church promote chant?
There are so many reasons why the chant of the Church is especially suited for the Sacred Liturgy. For one, this music is completely different, stylistically, from the kind of music we typically listen to-- it is music that we set aside for the Mass. Because of this, the chant serves to remind us that when we are at Mass, we're entering into a different time and place--we are, in a very real sense, experiencing a foretaste of Heaven. Another reason for using chant is because it is deeply rooted in the history of our faith. The sacred cantillation patterns (that is, the melodic formulas for chanting the Word of God) come to us from our Hebrew ancestors in the faith. At the Last Supper, Our Lord, Himself, chanted the psalms according to these sacred patterns. Over the centuries Christians have chanted the Psalms and other sacred texts in Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and various other languages. The Ignatius Pew Missal, continues this rich tradition for the new English translation of the Roman Missal (2011).
Do you have any hymns and songs in the Ignatius Pew Missal?
Yes. We have over 200 hymns, chants, and songs in the Ignatius Pew Missal, ranging from the classics (All Creatures of our God and King, Faith of our Fathers) to more contemporary pieces (Taize, Suzanne Toolan, and more).
How much does the Ignatius Pew Missal cost?
For 2024, the English Pew Missal:
1-4 missals: $13.95 each
5-24 missals: $9.75 each
25-49 missals: $6.85 each
50+ missals: $5.19 each
For 2024, Canta la Misa:
1-4 missals: $12.45 each
5-24 missals: $8.75 each
25-49 missals: $5.85 each
50+ missals: $3.89 each
How big is the Ignatius Pew Missal?
The Ignatius Pew Missal is 9 1/4" x 6 1/4" x 1 1/16". It is around 525 pages-small enough to fit in your pews' bookracks!
How might I obtain a sample copy of the Ignatius Pew Missal?
Please e-mail us at sales@pewmissal.com.
How do I know which accompaniment books I need?
There are two accompaniment books in English, and two in Spanish.
English: Ordinaries & Hymns (containing the organ and SATB vocal parts for the Mass settings and hymns)
Propers (containing the organ and SATB vocal parts for the entrance and communion antiphons, responsorial psalms, and gospel acclamations, for the full three-year cycle)
Spanish: Ordinarios, Himnos, y Cantos (same as the equivalent above)
Propios (same as the equivalent above)
What are these complimentary accompaniment books you mentioned?
The first time a parish orders 50 or more missals, you get a complimentary "starter set" of accompaniment books: one Ordinaries & Hymns in the 3-ring binder and one Propers in the 3-ring binder (in other words, a set for the organist), and one perfect- OR spiral-bound Propers (in other words, a cantor book). Any additional copies needed can, of course, be purchased. The Spanish equivalents (Ordinarios, Himnos, y Cantos and Propios, respectively) are only available spiral-bound, but first-time parish customers for Canta la Misa do get a complimentary set of these, as well.